Secure Aviatrix Controller with Azure Application Gateway V2

Aviatrix controller is already hardened. You may further lock it down with Settings -> Controller -> Access Security -> Controller Security Group Management. The controller would be protected by Security Group allowing access only from Aviatrix Gateways. Customer can add their own egress public IPs and CoPilot public IPs to security group, allowing inbound HTTPs access to the Aviatrix controller.

Enterprises already utilizing Azure Application Gateway/ WAF may want to place the Aviatrix controller behind it, for tighter security. This blog post shows how to place the Aviatrix controller behind Azure Application Gateway/WAF

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Enable private connectivity to workloads deployed in multiple default VPCs – Part 1

Scenario: One of our customers are primary in Azure, after merger and acquisitions, them acquired hundreds of AWS accounts, where workloads are deployed to default VPCs, which all have this address space:

They are looking for a solution to provide bi-directional private connectivity to these workloads in AWS from Azure without overhead of route management, also provide visibility to the traffic.

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Enable private connectivity to workloads deployed in multiple default VPCs – Part 2

Scenario: One of our customers are primary in Azure, after merger and acquisitions, them acquired hundreds of AWS accounts, where workloads are deployed to default VPCs, which all have this address space:

They are looking for a solution to provide bi-directional private connectivity to these workloads in AWS from Azure without overhead of route management, also provide visibility to the traffic.

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TechTalk | Securing Cloud Egress—The Easy Way

When operating in the cloud, enterprises often struggle with how to gain control of network traffic leaving their environments in a centralized, cost-effective, and CSP-agnostic way.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to make cloud egress architecture simple, repeatable, and automated—including how to:

  • Gain visibility and control of internet-destined traffic in a cost-effective way (FQDN, subtopics distributed, centralized)
  • Insert next-generation firewalls into internet-outbound traffic and deal with thousands of route entries
  • Scale up and scale out your egress firewalls in an active manner and retain existing flows
  • Plus, the benefits of leveraging Aviatrix FireNet and ThreatIQ, ThreatGuard, and Anomaly Detection.

Use terraformer to import AWS resources in linux

I’ve come to a situation to import existing resources into terraform, and this tool seems to be interesting:

The following example is in Linux, and my terraform installation is at /user/bin/terraform

$ which terraform

By looking up the executable in following link:

Since I’m running Linux and need to import resources in AWS, I’ve downloaded:
terraformer-aws-linux-amd64 to /user/bin

cd /usr/bin
sudo wget

Verified that I do have AWS credentials in environment variables

$ cat ~/.profile

# environment variables
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='****'

Create a new folder for terraform files

mkdir ~/terraformer


terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 4.0"

# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {

Run terraform init

$ terraform init

Initializing the backend...

Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding hashicorp/aws versions matching "~> 4.0"...
- Installing hashicorp/aws v4.5.0...
- Installed hashicorp/aws v4.5.0 (signed by HashiCorp)

Terraform has made some changes to the provider dependency selections recorded
in the .terraform.lock.hcl file. Review those changes and commit them to your
version control system if they represent changes you intended to make.

Terraform has been successfully initialized!

While I’m trying to use Terraformer, I’m getting an error:

$ terraformer-aws-windows-amd64.exe import aws --resources=s3
2022/03/18 11:57:29 aws importing default region
2022/03/18 11:57:30 aws importing... s3
2022/03/18 11:57:34 aws error initializing resources in service s3, err: no EC2 IMDS role found, operation error ec2imds: GetMetadata, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, request send failed, Get "": dial tcp connectex: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
2022/03/18 11:57:34 aws Connecting....

After some research and the workaround is:

$ terraformer-aws-windows-amd64.exe import aws --resources=s3 --regions=us-west-1 --profile=""

2022/03/18 11:59:11 aws importing region us-west-1
2022/03/18 11:59:13 aws importing... s3
2022/03/18 11:59:16 aws done importing s3
2022/03/18 11:59:16 Number of resources for service s3: 3
2022/03/18 11:59:16 Refreshing state... aws_s3_bucket.tfer--pan-bootstrap-jye
2022/03/18 11:59:16 Refreshing state... aws_s3_bucket.tfer--cf-templates-6vv0zllrvrqt-us-west-1
2022/03/18 11:59:16 Refreshing state... aws_s3_bucket.tfer--bootstrap-dfa5077a6c367b5a
2022/03/18 11:59:22 Filtered number of resources for service s3: 3
2022/03/18 11:59:22 aws Connecting....
2022/03/18 11:59:22 aws save s3
2022/03/18 11:59:22 aws save tfstate for s3

new folders gets created with generated terraform code and state file:

Bootstrap Palo Alto with Aviatrix FireNet with AWS GWLB enabled

Recently I’ve come to figure out how to bootstrap Palo Alto firewall while integrated with AWS GWLB and Aviatrix FireNet, here are my learning journal for future references:

Validated environment:

  • Aviatrix Controller version: UserConnect-6.6.5404
  • Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (BYOL) 10.1.3

I’ve used following Terraform code to create an Aviatrix FireNet egress only transit

module "transit_firenet_egress" {
  source  = "terraform-aviatrix-modules/aws-transit-firenet/aviatrix"
  version = "5.0.0"
  name = "egress"
  cidr           = ""
  region         = var.region
  account        = var.account
  firewall_image = "Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (BYOL)"
  inspection_enabled = false
  egress_enabled = true
  enable_egress_transit_firenet = true
  single_az_ha = false
  use_gwlb = true
  firewall_image_version = "10.1.3"

Then followed steps in this article:
  • Step 3 can be skipped, as no need to active license
  • Step 4 can be skipped, as Firewall is configured as one-armed mode, there’s no WAN port
  • Step 6 can be skipped, as again Firewall is one-armed mode, there’s no need for route table changes

After the configuration and confirmed Firewall worked as expected. I’ve saved the configuration as bootstrap.xml

Then I’ve followed this article:
  • Created S3 bucket
  • Created IAM Role bootstrap-VM-S3-role and Policy bootstrap-VM-S3-policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Create following folder structure in S3 bucket
  • Uploaded bootstrap.xml and init-cfg.txt
  • Modified Terraform code, so it looks like
module "transit_firenet_egress" {
  source  = "terraform-aviatrix-modules/aws-transit-firenet/aviatrix"
  version = "5.0.0"
  name = "egress"
  cidr           = ""
  region         = var.region
  account        = var.account
  firewall_image = "Palo Alto Networks VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall (BYOL)"
  inspection_enabled = false
  egress_enabled = true
  enable_egress_transit_firenet = true
  single_az_ha = false
  use_gwlb = true
  firewall_image_version = "10.1.3"
  bootstrap_bucket_name_1 = "<s3-buck-name>"
  iam_role_1 = "bootstrap-VM-S3-role"

Palo CLI command to check if bootstrap worked:

show system bootstrap status

In my case, the bootstrap appeared to be working

Additional command to troubleshoot bootstrap, or you can watch console session messages

debug logview component bts_details

However when tried to pass traffic through firewall, even when policy is wide open, package capture still shows traffic get dropped when sending from GWLB endpoints

After comparing with a working manually configured firewall with an bootstrapped firewall, here’s the observations:

  • When bootstrap.xml loaded via bootstrap, and export the configuration right away, only public-key got modified, which makes sense as new firewall gets new ssh keys
  • I’ve also learned that when there’s a conflict setting between init-cfg.txt and bootstrap.xmlthe setting in init-cfg.txt wins. Since we are not using Panorama at this point, all values of the init-cfg.txt should be just empty like this:
  • We also found out when using bootstrap with terraform, the GWLB isn’t enabled, CLI command to check:
show plugins vm_series aws gwlb
  • The management interface however has been swapped as expected
  • Since we do need to use GWLB to pass traffic to the firewall, tried following command:
request plugins vm_series aws gwlb inspect enable yes

Now the GWLB is enabled, and traffic is passing!

We modified init-cfg.txt to also enable GWLB during bootstrapping


Now everything is working as expected, reference:

Terraform code to create S3 bucket, role/ policy and sample bootstrap.xml and init-cfg.txt:

TechTalk | Turn Static Public Cloud Routing Dynamic with Centralized Management

Engineers responsible for building and managing public cloud network entities like VNets, VPCs, VCNs are constantly challenged with 90s-style static routing in public clouds. CSPs provide discrete constructs that are powerful on their own yet add enormous responsibility on enterprises to build, manage, and operationalize.

Join us for a session to see how to automate cloud network builds without the overhead of route table management. You will see a demo of how Aviatrix simplifies this huge challenge and makes network management in the cloud a breeze with deep Day-2 operational capabilities.