Get list of all possible combination, from multiple lists
> setproduct(["a","b","c"],["x","y"])
Find the index of a list, where it’s sub attribute contains certain value
Sometimes, you really wish terraform have something like jq…
PS: Suggestions
- use local-exec then call jq
- there’s a terraform provider jq
Example following Azure VPN Gateway BGP Settings is a list.
Need to retrieve the ASN number where the tunnel IP address is matching known public IP.
Hence need to get the index of the list, where the tunnel IP address is matching known public IP
> azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings
"asn" = 65010
"peer_weight" = 0
"peering_addresses" = tolist([
"apipa_addresses" = tolist([])
"default_addresses" = tolist([
"ip_configuration_name" = "vnetGatewayConfig1"
"tunnel_ip_addresses" = tolist([
"apipa_addresses" = tolist([])
"default_addresses" = tolist([
"ip_configuration_name" = "vnetGatewayConfig2"
"tunnel_ip_addresses" = tolist([
Reference idea
locals {
objList = [
{ name = "Chris" },
{ name = "Dan" }
# splat expression index lookup
myObjIndexSplat = index(local.objList.*.name, "Dan")
# for expression index lookup
myObjIndexFor = index([for v in local.objList :], "Dan")
Actual code breakdown:
Getting the list of tunnel IP address
> [for v in azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings: flatten(v.peering_addresses[*].tunnel_ip_addresses)]
Check if the list contains certain public IP
> [for v in azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings: contains(flatten(v.peering_addresses[*].tunnel_ip_addresses),"")]
Getting the index
> index([for v in azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings: contains(flatten(v.peering_addresses[*].tunnel_ip_addresses),"")],true)
Getting the ASN number
> azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings[index([for v in azurerm_virtual_network_gateway.this.bgp_settings: contains(flatten(v.peering_addresses[*].tunnel_ip_addresses),"")],true)].asn